Pop-Up in Dallas at Flea Style!

Go West, Young Woman
My birthday is in October and looking back, I always manage to take a trip. Often it is to market in Dallas or Atlanta; once it was to the Hamptons for a wedding; another time was a roadtrip with my Mom to her 50th high school reunion; And the best was a "business trip" to Bridal Fashion Week in NYC! This year, the opportunity came up to take part in a night market at the Flea Style store in Dallas, so I packed my bags and hit the road!

I've participated in Flea Style's large flea markets before, but this fun pop-up was in the parking lot of their Deep Ellum store. I focused on just taking coats and small home accessories. The buyers from Texas are always so unique and appreciative of my curation of finds. The weather was perfect and it was such a nice way to celebrate another trip around the sun!